About the PBTCF

In the beginning, a Parent/Family committee was formed to lend its support to the PBTC – reviewing concepts and consent forms for the PBTC to ensure information was written in understandable language. In 2007, the PBTC Foundation (formerly Brain Waves) was formed by the Parent/Family Committee as a 501 (3c) nonprofit.

What We Fund

Granted funds to purchase a computer network so that PBTC information and crucial research data is available to all consortium institutions. Hardware form this 2010 grant, Protecting the Research of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium, is housed at St. Jude and is crucial to the success of PBTC fast-track studies.

In 2011, the PBTCF sponsored a first-of-its-kind meeting of national experts in pediatric neuro-imaging. Insights from this meeting drive the design of future studies focused on greater accuracy for detailed diagnoses to pre-empt surgical exploration and to tailor best possible therapies.

The PBTCF underwrites a portion of the costs incurred by every child enrolled in a PBTC clinical research trial. Our ability to sponsor patients is directly related to our fluctuating annual budget.

Annual awards are presented to Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) who exceed the already rigorous standards of excellence at PBTC institutions.

Supported a scientific symposium for basic and translational scientists from PBTC member institutions held prior to the International Symposium of Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO).

Interested Doctor

Support the PBTCF

The best way to support the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Foundation is to either make a donation or associate PBTCF with your Amazon Smile account as your charity of choice. Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to PBTCF when shopping through smile.amazon.com. Add PBTCF today by visiting https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-8573849


Funding for the PBTCF is made possible by the continued support
of our partner charities.


Contact Us

Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Foundation
10280 Chester Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45215

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